
Showing posts from October, 2020

If They Sweep on Election Day, Dems Still Face a Challenge Meeting Health Promises

Democrats are favored to win both chambers of Congress after years of campaign-trail promises about health care. But their margin in the Senate could be slim, making it difficult to pass major health care legislation. And they still must heal some rifts within the caucus about how far they can push overhaul efforts.

A $200 Debit Card Won’t Do Much for Seniors’ Drug Costs

President Donald Trump wants to send seniors $200 apiece. Beyond the legal and logistical problems, health care experts point out it does little to help someone with even typical prescription costs.

Why State Mask Stockpiling Orders Are Hurting Nursing Homes, Small Providers

More than eight months into the pandemic, stockpiling of masks and other protective equipment by wealthy hospital systems is straining nursing homes and smaller providers who also need precious protective gear to keep front-line workers safe from COVID-19.

Democrats Link GOP Challengers to Trump’s COVID Record, Efforts to Undo Obamacare

Democratic congressional candidates in California and beyond are linking their Republican opponents to the COVID-19 crisis and the survival of the Affordable Care Act, betting that health care could be a decisive issue for voters, especially in toss-up districts.

App-Based Companies Pushing Prop. 22 Say Drivers Will Get Health Benefits. Will They?

Ride-sharing and delivery services such as Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and Instacart are bankrolling California’s Proposition 22, which would keep their drivers classified as independent contractors, not employees. But health benefits? That's something of a stretch.

The Trump Medicaid Record: Big Goals, Yet Few Successes

The Trump administration sought to shrink the federal-state health program for low-income Americans and give states more flexibility. But Democrats and the courts thwarted most of those efforts.

ICYMI: Bustos Highlights Federal Support for Innovative Military Artillery Systems in Visit to Mandus Group

ROCK ISLAND – This week, Congresswoman Bustos (IL-17)toured Mandus Group, an innovative engineering and manufacturing firm based in Rock Island to highlight recently secured federal support for military artillery systems currently under development, such as those manufactured by the company. The Congresswoman met with representatives of Mandus Group and AM General, a Mandus Group partner, during the visit. […] The post ICYMI: Bustos Highlights Federal Support for Innovative Military Artillery Systems in Visit to Mandus Group appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.


WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos (D-IL-17) and U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today led Democratic members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation in sending a letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) expressing concerns over the agency’s processing of the State’s requests for Public Assistance as it relates to COVID-19 expenses. […] The post BUSTOS, DURBIN, DUCKWORTH, ILLINOIS DELEGATION MEMBERS URGE FEMA TO EXPEDITE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE REIMBURSEMENTS FOR COVID-19 EXPENSES appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Bustos, Finkenauer, LaHood, Loebsack Request for Corn Belt Port Designation in Illinois Answered by Army Corps of Engineers

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) announced recently that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved the creation of the three Port Statistical Areas (PSAs) in the Heart of the Corn Belt, which includes key ports in Illinois and Iowa.  The Corps will designate the Mississippi River Ports of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois (MRPEIWI), the Mid-America Port […] The post Bustos, Finkenauer, LaHood, Loebsack Request for Corn Belt Port Designation in Illinois Answered by Army Corps of Engineers appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Savvy Patient Fought for the Price She Was Quoted − And Didn’t Give Up

A California woman thought the discount on her coinsurance before an operation sounded too good to be true. Turns out, she was right.

‘No Mercy’ Chapter 5: In Rural America, Cancer Care Is Often Far From Home

The hunt for good cancer treatment often means miles on the road, time spent waiting and exhaustion from treatment and transit. “The further you have to travel to get care, the less likely that you are going to take that effort to do that,” said Boban Mathew, an oncologist in southeastern Kansas.

Telemedicine or In-Person Visit? Pros and Cons

The volume of virtual medical appointments has exploded during the pandemic as patients and doctors have sought to avoid infection through in-person visits.

For People With Visual Impairments, Truly Secret Ballots Are Elusive

Voters in several states who live with visual impairments must rely on family and friends to fill out their mail-in or absentee paper ballots, compromising their privacy. More states are relying on mail-in and absentee voting to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

If Trump Wins, Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting for That ACA Replacement Plan

The administration seeks to have the Supreme Court overturn the federal health law but has not explained how it would ensure Americans’ health care coverage.

Verily’s COVID Testing Program Halted in San Francisco and Oakland

Health officials in San Francisco and Alameda counties have cut ties with Verily’s state-funded COVID testing sites amid concerns about data collection and privacy.

North Carolina Treasurer Took On the Hospitals. Now He’s Paying Political Price.

The state hospital association has endorsed Dale Folwell’s opponent after the treasurer sought to force them to accept lower reimbursements from the state employees’ health plan.

Florida Fails to Attract Bidders for Canada Drug Importation Program

No private firms bid on the $30 million contract to set up and operate the state’s plan to bring in cheaper drugs. The setback is likely to delay by at least several months Florida’s effort to become the first state to import drugs under new federal regulations.

Colorado Initiative Would Further Limit Access in Middle America’s ‘Abortion Desert’

Colorado voters will decide whether to ban most abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy, which would eliminate a haven for people seeking to end their pregnancies in the Midwest and Mountain West.

Déjà Vu for California Voters on Dialysis

Californians are again being asked to weigh in on a dialysis ballot measure. This one purports to target patient safety, and dialysis industry giants are once again spending big to defeat it.

Did Trump Confuse the Public Option With ‘Medicare for All’?

President Donald Trump was off the mark when he said Vice President Joe Biden's health plan -- which includes a public options -- will terminate the private insurance of 180 million people.

In Tamer Debate, Trump and Biden Clash (Again) on President’s Pandemic Response

Trump claims the U.S. is "rounding the corner" on COVID, while Biden predicts a "dark winter." On another front, Trump warns Biden's health care plan will lead to socialized medicine; Biden promises private insurance isn't going anywhere.

COVID Spikes Exacerbate Health Worker Shortages in Rocky Mountains, Great Plains

COVID-19 infections and quarantines are pulling health professionals off the front lines, exacerbating staffing woes that existed in large, rural states well before the pandemic.

Travel on Thanksgiving? Pass the COVID

Staying home in your bubble is the safest advice, but family get-togethers, especially at the holidays, mean an awful lot. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci has gone back and forth on whether to have his daughters fly in for Thanksgiving.

Workers Fired, Penalized for Reporting COVID Safety Violations

Many workers are resisting what they feel are unsafe, unhealthy conditions as companies restart. A few states have passed laws specifically aimed at protecting workers who face COVID-related safety risks and retaliation for speaking up, but advocates say stronger federal protections are needed.

Analysis: Winter Is Coming for Bars. Here’s How to Save Them. And Us.

To stop the coronavirus, we need to stop super-spreader events.

Even With ACA’s Fate in Flux, Open Enrollment Starts Soon. Here’s What’s New.

The Affordable Care Act’s future is uncertain and there’s no end in sight to the pandemic. Still, the 2021 insurance year is marked by stability.

Biden’s Big Health Agenda Won’t Be Easy to Achieve

Much like President Barack Obama, a President Biden could find his health policies initially sidelined by economic issues — in his case, caused by the pandemic.

RELEASE: Bustos Slams Defense Dept.’s Failure to Answer Why Certain States are Favored in COVID-19 National Guard Response

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) responded to the Department of Defense’s failure to explain why the current Administration requires some states to pay for a portion of National Guard COVID-19 response efforts, while fully funding others. The Department of Defense recently issued a response to lawmakers’ inquiries about changes in the federal cost-share of National Guard […] The post RELEASE: Bustos Slams Defense Dept.’s Failure to Answer Why Certain States are Favored in COVID-19 National Guard Response appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Trump Says He Saved 2 Million Lives From COVID. Really?

The number is taken from a hypothetical modeling scenario that doesn’t offer a realistic comparison.

Bridging the Miles — And the Pandemic — Teledentistry Makes Some Dentists Wince

Teledentistry allows dentists to remotely review records and diagnose patients’ teeth over video. Some smile about its promise, while others see the potential for cutting corners. And it faces hurdles to widespread adoption.

‘All You Want Is to Be Believed’: The Impacts of Unconscious Bias in Health Care

One woman shares her experience trying to get care in a Bay Area hospital for COVID symptoms. At nearly every turn, a doctor dismissed her complaints. Is bias part of why people of color are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus?

Despite Pandemic Threat, Gubernatorial Hopefuls Avoid COVID Nitty-Gritty

As the pandemic continues to cast shadows on everyday life, some candidates for governor are talking about everything except the specifics of how they would manage COVID-19 into the future.

‘No Mercy’ Chapter 4: So, 2 Nuns Step Off a Train in Kansas … A Hospital’s Origin Story

Mercy Hospital and the people of Fort Scott, Kansas, have a long, tangled history. To understand what the town lost when the hospital shut its doors, we rewind the story to 1886.

Progressive Group Highlights Trump, Tillis Weakness on Insulin Price Tags

The progressive Change Now PAC launched a campaign ad, which also circulated on Facebook, criticizing President Donald Trump and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) for not “fighting” for people with diabetes who struggle with the high cost of insulin.

UVA Health Still Squeezing Money From Patients — By Seizing Their Home Equity

The University of Virginia promised reforms but has stopped short of announcing them, while hospital giant VCU Health has freed tens of thousands from property liens.

Health Care Groups Dive Into Property Tax Ballot Fight, Eyeing Public Health Money

Health care leaders say Proposition 15, a ballot initiative that would raise property taxes for large-business owners, could help boost revenue for chronically underfunded public health departments.

‘An Arm and a Leg’: Vetting TikTok Mom’s Advice for Dealing With Debt Collectors

We first learned about Shaunna Burns when her tips on medical bills went viral. In part two of our conversation with the so-called TikTok mom, we’re back for guidance about dealing with debt collectors. Then we fact-checked her advice with a legal expert, who said: Most of Burns’ advice totally checks out.

Most Home Health Aides ‘Can’t Afford Not to Work’ — Even When Lacking PPE

Home health aides flattened the curve by keeping the most vulnerable patients — seniors, the disabled, the infirm — out of hospitals. But they’ve done it mostly at poverty wages and without overtime pay, hazard pay, sick leave or health insurance.

Musicians Improvise Masks for Wind Instruments to Keep the Band Together

Instrumentalists in ensembles, marching bands and other groups are getting creative with pantyhose, air filters, fabric and sewing machines to reduce the risk of COVID without silencing the music.

Majority of Voters Tilt Toward Biden as Health Issues Weigh Heavily

More than 50% of people said they favor Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s approach to an array of health issues.

No, the WHO Didn’t Change Its Lockdown Stance or ‘Admit’ Trump Was Right

The World Health Organization has been consistent throughout the pandemic in communicating that lockdowns should be employed only when COVID-19 cases are high — to give governments and health systems time to redouble efforts. Forced closures should not be the primary strategy to combat coronavirus transmission.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Democrats May Lose on SCOTUS, But Hope to Win on ACA

Barring something unexpected, Democrats in the Senate appear to lack the votes to block the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. So, instead they used the high-profile confirmation hearings to hammer on Republicans for again putting the Affordable Care Act in peril. Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call, Shefali Luthra of The 19th and Sarah Karlin-Smith of Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, Rovner interviews Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, about public health challenges in dealing with COVID-19.

Outnumbered on High Court Nomination, Democrats Campaign for a Different Vote

Rather than prosecuting their case against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are refighting the war that won them seats in 2018 — banging on Republicans for trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.

COVID Crackdowns at Work Have Saved Black and Latino Lives, LA Officials Say

Strict enforcement of coronavirus protocols at factories and shops where some of the worst outbreaks have occurred has reduced the racial and ethnic disparities in COVID deaths and illness, say public health officials. They want to expand the effort by creating workplace safety councils.

As Californians Get Older and Less Mobile, Fires Get Hotter and Faster

Retirement areas are increasingly being built in the idyllic wooded fringe of towns and cities. Being close to nature also means being in the path of wildfires.

Making Money Off Masks, COVID-Spawned Chain Store Aims to Become Obsolete

A new chain of stores is spreading in malls across America, just like the disease that is giving it business. COVID-19 Essentials is selling masks and all the gear needed to stay safe — and the owner can’t wait to go out of business.

Pence Said Biden Copied Trump’s Pandemic Response Plan. Pants on Fire!

The vice president went on to point out the underlying philosophical differences between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden regarding their approaches to COVID-19.

Black Doctors Work to Make Coronavirus Testing More Equitable

The Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium has increased access to coronavirus testing in the Philadelphia region, testing more than 10,000 people. The group’s mobile unit and pop-up testing sites also offer patients an opportunity to connect with African American health care providers.

New Moms Behind Bars Get Help From Someone Who’s Been There

Nina Porter of Indiana spent most of her adulthood behind bars, even raising an infant daughter in prison. Now out of prison, she’s drawing on her struggles to create a program that helps other moms get by in a sometimes unwelcoming post-prison world.

COVID Takes Challenge of Tracking Infectious College Students to New Level

Amid a surge of college coronavirus cases, some local and state health departments have been scrambling to properly trace contacts and assign cases across state and county lines.