
Showing posts from February, 2021

Why AstraZeneca and J&J’s Vaccines, In Use the World Over, Are Still on Hold in America

Covid has pressed the Food and Drug Administration into its fastest vaccine reviews ever — which are still painfully slow, critics say.

College Tuition Sparked a Mental Health Crisis. Then the Hefty Hospital Bill Arrived.

A student sought counseling help after feeling panicked when she had trouble paying a big tuition bill. A weeklong stay in a psychiatric hospital followed — along with a $3,413 bill. The hospital soft-pedaled its charity care policy.

As Covid Surged, Vaccines Came Too Late for at Least 400 Medical Workers

A Guardian/KHN analysis of deaths nationwide indicates that at least 1 in 8 health workers lost in the pandemic died after the vaccine became available, narrowly missing the protection that might have saved their lives.

Learning to Live Again: A Lazarus Tale From the Covid Front Lines

The staff at L.A. County’s public rehabilitation hospital is helping mostly Latino, low-income patients recover the basic functions of daily life robbed from them during weeks or months of critical covid illness.

Biden’s Straight-Talking CDC Director Has Long Used Data to Save Lives

Dr. Rochelle Walensky said scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were "muzzled" and "diminished" by the Trump team, especially during the pandemic. She aims to fix that.

With GOP Back at Helm, Montana Renews Push to Sniff Out Welfare Fraud

Montana is one of the latest states looking to aggressively check welfare eligibility to cut costs. Supporters of such steps say it’s about what’s fair — weeding out those who don’t qualify for assistance — while opponents say it will cut loose enrollees who actually need help.

Have a Case of a Covid Variant? No One Is Going to Tell You

As experts race to get an approved test for covid variants, officials are severely restricted from sharing information about the cases. That makes it harder to protect others.

‘It Doesn’t Feel Worth It’: Covid Is Pushing New York’s EMTs to the Brink

Struggling with low pay and high stress, New York paramedics and EMTs are reaching a breaking point.

Lessons From California Prison Where Covid ‘Spread Like Wildfire’

One California county is home to the two worst clusters of covid in prisons in the country. Ninety-four percent of Avenal State Prison’s inmates contracted the virus. Physical distancing has proved impossible in a facility housing 50% more people than it should.

‘It’s a Minefield’: Biden Health Pick Must Tread Carefully on Abortion and Family Planning

President Biden vowed to reverse reproductive health restrictions enacted by President Trump. His pick to run HHS, Xavier Becerra, fought the Trump efforts but must now navigate a difficult legal and political landscape.

Congresswoman Bustos’ Winter Photo Contest

Calling all photographers! Congresswoman Cheri Bustos wants to see your best photo of Illinois’ 17th Congressional District! Submit your entry by completing this form by March 5th. Winners will be selected through an online vote and featured on Congresswoman Bustos’ website and social media! The post Congresswoman Bustos’ Winter Photo Contest appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Calling All Vaccinators: Closing the Next Gap in Covid Supply and Demand

In the herculean effort to vaccinate America, the emphasis so far has been on trying to increase the number of vaccine doses available. Soon there could be a shortfall in people to administer the shots.

It’s Time to Get Back to Normal? Not According to Science.

With covid, and its newly emerging variants, still circulating throughout the nation and the world, experts say it is definitely not the time to abandon efforts to control the virus’s spread.

After Billions of Dollars and Dozens of Wartime Declarations, Why Are Vaccines Still in Short Supply?

The Trump and Biden administrations both imposed wartime production requirements. But industry experts say the vast quantities of raw materials and specialty equipment needed for billions of newfangled vaccines have required herculean logistical efforts.

Covid Strikes Clergy as They Comfort Pandemic’s Sick and Dying

Spiritual leaders risk their own lives and health to tend to covid’s victims and their loved ones.

Countless Homebound Patients Still Wait for Covid Vaccine Despite Seniors’ Priority

Health organizations have begun sending doctors and nurses to apartment buildings and private homes to vaccinate homebound seniors, but the efforts are slow and spotty.

Organ Transplant Patient Dies After Receiving Covid-Infected Lungs

The first confirmed U.S. case of SARS-CoV-2 being transmitted through an organ transplant has prompted calls for updated transplant protocols and additional testing of samples from deep within donor lungs.

The Do’s and Don’ts on Social Media for Vaccine Haves and Have-Nots

In the thick of a global pandemic, and with a vaccine rollout that has been less than optimal, it's no surprise that selfies featuring the coveted covid shot surface on social media timelines. But is posting a vaccine selfie on your social media account a faux pas or a needed encouragement for others to get the shot?

New Single-Payer Bill Intensifies Newsom’s Political Peril

With the introduction of a single-payer bill Friday, a group of California Democratic lawmakers set the terms of the health care debate in the Capitol this year. The move puts Gov. Gavin Newsom in a delicate political position, threatening to alienate voters as he faces a likely recall election.

Feds OK’d Export of Millions of N95 Masks as U.S. Workers Cried for More

In the hours before President Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Federal Emergency Management Agency allowed a Texas mask maker to ship the high-quality masks overseas.

Companies Pan for Marketing Gold in Vaccines

Some assisted living facilities, pharmacy chains and health care providers are luring new customers with covid shots.

Spurred by Pandemic, Little Shell Tribe Fast-Tracks Its Health Service Debut

As the newest federally recognized tribe, the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana is starting from scratch to deliver health care to members. While covid-19 has been devastating, it has sped up the tribe's ability to build a clinic. Yet, lacking a reservation, the tribe faces challenges reaching its scattered members.

To Vaccinate Veterans, Health Care Workers Must Cross Mountains, Plains and Tundra

Veterans Affairs officials are flying COVID-19 vaccines to remote locations in Montana and Alaska to quickly inoculate rural veterans before the drugs expire.

‘I Wanted to Go in There and Help’: Nursing Schools See Enrollment Bump Amid Pandemic

Enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs reportedly grew nearly 6% percent in 2020.

California Aims to Address the ‘Urgent’ Needs of Older Residents. But Will Its Plan Work?

State officials recently unveiled a “master plan” to address the needs of California’s rapidly aging population, from housing to long-term care. Kim McCoy Wade, director of the state Department of Aging, vows it will not end up on a shelf gathering dust.

Montana’s Health Policy MVP Takes Her Playbook on the Road

Marilyn Bartlett, credited with saving Montana’s state employee health plan millions of dollars, is a busy consultant now, as states, counties and big businesses try to use her playbook to bring down hospital costs.

Bustos Joins Dr. Fauci, Leading Health Experts for Bipartisan Briefing on COVID-19 Variants

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos(IL-17) joined National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, and Food and Drug Administration Acting Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock for a briefing on the new COVID-19 variants. “Dr. Fauci has […] The post Bustos Joins Dr. Fauci, Leading Health Experts for Bipartisan Briefing on COVID-19 Variants appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Bustos Urges Illinoisans to Review Health Care Options During Special Open Enrollment Period

Special Open Enrollment Period for the Individual Health Exchange Market Lasts Until May 15th WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) urged Illinoisans to review their health insurance options during the health exchange’s special open enrollment period. Open enrollment will last until May 15th in accordance with President Joe Biden’s Executive Order to open the […] The post Bustos Urges Illinoisans to Review Health Care Options During Special Open Enrollment Period appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Prominent Scientists Call on CDC to Better Protect Workers From Covid

The academics insist that more workers should get top-rated N95 masks, the best defense against airborne coronavirus particles.

Family Caregivers, Routinely Left Off Vaccine Lists, Worry What Would Happen ‘If I Get Sick’

Tens of thousands of middle-aged sons and daughters — too young to qualify for a vaccine — care for older relatives with serious ailments and want to get the shots to protect their loved ones and themselves.

Anti-Immigrant Vitriol Complicates Vaccine Rollout in Southern States

Inoculating the millions of undocumented workers who produce America’s agricultural bounty will be key to achieving herd immunity against covid-19. But garnering the trust of these workers is proving complicated, particularly in the South, where the last four years have been marked by workplace raids and anti-immigrant vitriol.

The ACA Marketplace Is Open Again for Insurance Sign-Ups. Here’s What You Need to Know.

On Monday, the federal insurance exchange reopened for an unusual midyear special enrollment period. People who are uninsured can buy a plan, and those who want to change their marketplace coverage can do so. Here are some answers about how it works.

Vaccines Go Mobile to Keep Seniors From Slipping Through the Cracks

A strike team of nurses and others is vaccinating Contra Costa County’s hardest-hit populations right where they live.

Can Pfizer and Moderna End the Pandemic by Sharing Their Vaccine Designs? It’s Not that Simple

Industry experts say it’s highly unlikely that dozens of pharmaceutical companies that aren’t already producing covid vaccines stand ready to do so.

‘An Arm and a Leg’: Viral TikTok Video Serves Up Recipe to ‘Crush’ Medical Debt

A video on the social media platform TikTok explains how consumers can “crush” their hospital bills using charity care policies. This won’t work for all medical bills, but it might be a good place to start.

AUDIO: Bustos Secures Chair of House Agriculture Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17), a member of the House Agriculture Committee, announced that she will Chair the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management for the 117th Congress, taking on a powerful new role to advocate for farmers and producers. The influential subcommittee has jurisdiction over policies, statutes and markets relating […] The post AUDIO: Bustos Secures Chair of House Agriculture Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

In Search of the Shot

KHN readers detail their frustrations and successes as they hunt for a scarce covid-19 vaccine.

S.D. Governor Gives State High Marks in Handling the Pandemic. Are They Deserved?

While South Dakota is excelling in vaccine distribution and in keeping its economy intact, some health measures show the state is also dealing with one of the highest per capita covid death rates in the country.

Bustos, Garbarino, Crow, Rice Unveil New Business Succession Planning Legislation

More Than 58 Percent of Business Owners Do Not Have a Succession Plan WASHINGTON – TodayRepresentatives Cheri Bustos (IL-17), Andrew Garbarino (NY-02), Jason Crow (CO-06) and Tom Rice (SC-07) unveiled new bipartisan legislation that would provide small business owners the support needed to create a business succession plan. In 2019, Representative Bustos held economic roundtables […] The post Bustos, Garbarino, Crow, Rice Unveil New Business Succession Planning Legislation appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: All About Budget Reconciliation

Even while the Senate is busy with Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, the House has gotten down to work on a covid relief bill using the budget reconciliation process. Meanwhile, the watchword for covid this week among the public is confusion — over masks, vaccines and just about everything else science-related. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post and Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also this week, the panelists recommend their favorite “health policy valentines” along with their favorite health policy stories they think you should read, too.

Vaccine Equity Is ‘North Star,’ Feds Say, and Clinics Are Key to Fair Distribution

Community health clinics are key to getting more Black and Hispanic Americans vaccinated, federal officials say. In Nashville, a vaccination push at federally funded clinics is underway.

Health Workers and Hospitals Grapple With Millions of Counterfeit N95 Masks

Masks imitating the real thing are flooding U.S. ports, and authorities can hardly keep pace.

Flurry of Bills Aim to Set Limits on Transgender Kids – And Their Doctors

Lawmakers across the U.S. are pushing bills to restrict transgender kids from participating in sports and ban doctors from treating them.

As Pandemic Surged, Contact Tracing Struggled; Biden Looks to Boost It

Reaching people who may have been in contact with covid patients has helped cut the number of infections, but these tracing efforts become less effective as the number of cases grows.

Farmworker Camps to Urban Tent Cities: Tailoring Vaccine Info to Where It’s Most Needed

Concerns arising in western North Carolina provide a window into the challenges facing health workers across the country as they seek to persuade vulnerable populations to be inoculated against covid.

Pandemic-Fueled Alcohol Abuse Creates Wave of Hospitalizations for Liver Disease

Hospitals across the country are seeing rising admissions for alcoholic liver disease, which encompasses hepatitis, cirrhosis and other conditions.

Schools Walk the Tightrope Between Ideal Safety and the Reality of Covid

Across the country, politics have muddied the question of when and how to reopen schools. Even though teachers continue to fear for their safety, lawmakers and parents are demanding that schools take advantage of declining infection rates to open safely and quickly.

After Nearly 60 Years of Marriage, This Missouri Couple Stayed Together to the End

Arthur and Maggie Kelley of St. Louis died 30 days apart. Maggie died of complications of dementia in November. Arthur, who had moved into her nursing home to be with her, died a month later of covid. Their family held a double funeral.

Community Health Workers, Often Overlooked, Bring Trust to the Pandemic Fight

As the pandemic brings long-standing health disparities into sharper view, community health workers are being asked to help the public health response. This fast-growing workforce helps fill the gaps between health care providers and low-income communities by offering education, advocacy and outreach.

California’s Smallest County Makes Big Vaccination Gains

In rural Alpine County, where snowbound mountain passes isolate small towns, distributing the covid vaccine is a community effort. Unlike in many urban areas where residents jockey for limited appointments, the pace of vaccinations here is strong and steady.

Why the U.S. Is Underestimating Covid Reinfection

Hundreds of Americans suspect they contracted covid early in the pandemic and recovered, only to get infected again months later. But because the U.S. does so little genetic sequencing of covid samples, we don’t know much about reinfection rates.