
Showing posts from May, 2021

Mississippi’s Black Communities Turned Around Their Covid Rates. Next Up: Make Strides on Vaccines.

Covid-19 tore through Mississippi’s Black population in the pandemic’s early days, but community efforts slowed the rate. Now health officials and community leaders aim to replicate the success as they dole out vaccines.

Biden Administration Signals It’s in No Rush to Allow Canadian Drug Imports

Federal officials asked a court to dismiss a suit by drugmakers over the policy enacted by the Trump administration that would allow states to bring in cheaper prescription medications from Canada. The filing said the lawsuit was moot because it’s unclear when or if the FDA would approve any state’s importation plan.

Caring for an Aging Nation

The number of Americans 65 and older is expected to nearly double in the next 40 years. Finding a way to provide and pay for the long-term health services they need won't be easy.

Opioids like ‘Lean’ Permeate Hip-Hop Culture, but Dangers Are Downplayed

In big cities and small towns, opioid use among some young hip-hop fans is about emulating their favorite rap star’s image — while paying little attention to the serious consequences.

In California, Nursing Home Owners Can Operate After They’re Denied a License

Nursing home chain ReNew Health continues to care for hundreds of patients even after the state attempted to crack down. Before and during the pandemic, homes connected to ReNew had safety violations.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: The Return of the Public Option

Lawmakers are working on fleshing out the concept of a “public option,” a government-run or heavily regulated insurance plan that would compete with private insurance. But the details are complicated, both substantively and politically. Meanwhile, bioethicists are debating whether the U.S. should be vaccinating low-risk adolescents against covid-19 while high-risk adults in other countries are still waiting. Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico and Rachana Pradhan of KHN join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Enough to Wreck Their Rest: $10,322 for a Sleep Study

The University of Miami Health System charges a truck driver six times what Medicare would pay for an overnight test.

‘Better Than the Hospital’: Pandemic Boosts Care for Serious Illnesses at Home

Covid-19 and dozens of other illnesses now qualify for home treatment under a new federal effort aimed at freeing up hospital beds during public health emergencies.

Lady Gaga and J.Lo Sell ‘Well’ Building Seal, But It’s a Payday, Not a PSA

A company sees the pandemic as an opportunity to push its ‘Well’ seal. It would like the indoor wellness logo to become as ubiquitous as the LEED green building halo — and make a profit, too.

Minneapolis Police Injured Protesters With Rubber Bullets. The City Has Taken Little Action.

A year after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis while in police custody, there is scant evidence the city has changed how its police officers use less-lethal weapons or strengthened its oversight. Instead, it may be a study in stymied reform, unenforced policies and a lack of transparency.

Pandemic Leads Doctors to Rethink Unnecessary Treatment

Covid-caused delays in medical treatments and surgeries are producing data for health care providers to take another look at what’s needed and what isn’t.

Colorado Lawmakers Wage Multifront Assault on High Drug Costs

Colorado is one of many states resolved not to wait for federal action to reduce drug costs. Its legislature is considering several ways to lower costs for consumers and the state.

Corporations Encourage Employee Vaccination but Stop Short of Mandates

Public health officials fear that requiring jabs on the job would create a noisy, counterproductive backlash.

Is Your Living Room the Future of Hospital Care?

In the latest sign that in-home acute care is catching on, two big players — Kaiser Permanente and the Mayo Clinic — announced plans to collectively invest $100 million into the company Medically Home to help scale up their programs.

Tips for Older Adults to Regain Their Game After Being Cooped Up for More Than a Year

Experts offer advice on how seniors struggling with physical, emotional and cognitive challenges following a year of being cooped up can address issues such as muscle weakness, poor nutrition, disrupted sleep, anxiety and social isolation.

No-Cancel Culture: How Telehealth Is Making It Easier to Keep That Therapy Session

No-shows for behavioral health appointments have been a long-standing problem, with up to 60% skipped. Now telehealth, fueled by the pandemic, makes it easier for people dealing with depression and other mental health issues to make it to their appointments at a time when such care is in high demand. But teletherapy creates other challenges.

If You Are Vaccinated, You Can Dance the Night Away

After being closed for 14 months because of the pandemic, a North Carolina nightclub reopens. But now, in addition to showing an ID to gain entry, patrons also must show their vaccination cards.

Colorado Will Pay Hospitals to Close Expensive Free-Standing ERs

The state, concerned about the high cost of care at these stand-alone facilities, is offering hospitals more Medicaid money if they convert them to other uses, such as primary care or mental health centers.

As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services

A little-discussed, long-term toll of the pandemic is that large numbers of older adults have become physically and cognitively debilitated and less able to care for themselves after sheltering in place.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Roe v. Wade on the Ropes

The newly conservative Supreme Court will hear a case that could overturn the nationwide right to abortion and cause political upheaval. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s abrupt announcement that vaccinated people can take off their masks in most places has caused upheaval of its own. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet and Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Stark Racial Disparities Persist in Vaccinations, State-Level CDC Data Shows

Black Americans’ vaccination rates still trail all other groups, while Hispanics show improvement. Native Americans show the strongest rates nationally.

Seed Money: Black Entrepreneurs Hope Pandemic Gardening Boom Will Grow Healthier Eating

Rapper DJ Cavem Moetavation is pushing beats and beets. A vegan, he’s selling seeds to encourage more people to eat healthier by growing their own food. His efforts are part of a national movement of Black-owned seed companies that merges pandemic-inspired gardening with efforts to expand healthier food options.

Despite Pandemic, Newsom Declines to Boost Local Public Health Budgets — Again

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has, for the third consecutive year, rejected new state funding for local public health departments. Frustrated legislative leaders and public health officials are trying to change his mind.

Racism Derails Black Men’s Health, Even as Education Levels Rise

Researchers who study health among various racial and ethnic groups, as well as the social factors that influence health outcomes, say the findings suggest that the power of discrimination to harm Black men’s health may be more resistant than previously understood.

Why Your Dentist Might Seem Pushy

Dentists know how to maximize the profits in your mouth. But sometimes it’s outright fraud — to the tune of billions every year.

To the Bat Cave: In Search of Covid’s Origins, Scientists Reignite Polarizing Debate on Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’

Leading virologists, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, are demanding a deeper probe into China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology as they try to identify the source of the deadly coronavirus.

Aiding Her Dying Husband, a Geriatrician Learns the Emotional and Physical Toll of Caregiving

When the covid pandemic hit, Dr. Rebecca Elon was thrust into a new role, primary caregiver for her severely ill husband and her elderly mother. “Reading about caregiving of this kind was one thing. Experiencing it was entirely different,” she says.

Doctors Now Must Provide Patients Their Health Data, Online and On Demand

A new federal regulation makes it easy to get test results and see what your doctor is recording about your health. One downside: You might not understand what you read.

VIDEO: Bustos Advocates for Illinois’ Infrastructure Priorities in Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Hearing

Bustos Submitted Infrastructure Priorities to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17), a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, testified before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to advocate for Northwest and Central Illinois’ infrastructure priorities, which she submitted to the record for the committee’s consideration. The hearing comes […] The post VIDEO: Bustos Advocates for Illinois’ Infrastructure Priorities in Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Hearing appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Homicides Surge in California Amid Covid Shutdowns of Schools, Youth Programs

California endured a brutal spike in homicides in 2020 across large swaths of the state, registering the largest year-over-year increase in victims in three decades. Experts cite as one significant factor a rise in gang violence fueled by pandemic shutdowns of schools, sports leagues and programs for at-risk youth.

‘Kicking You When You’re Down’: Many Cancer Patients Pay Dearly for Parking

Patients often fork over payments comparable to valet rates to park while receiving care. A recent study found that some of the country’s most prestigious cancer centers charge nearly $1,700 over the course of treatment for some types of the disease.

Bustos Announces More Than $98 Million in Funding for Colleges and Universities After Passing American Rescue Plan

WASHINGTON – After helping to pass the American Rescue Plan, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos announced a total of $98,034,270 in emergency funding for colleges and universities throughout Illinois’ 17th Congressional District today. The funding will help local schools cope with the severe financial fallout from the pandemic and continue serving their students safely. At least half […] The post Bustos Announces More Than $98 Million in Funding for Colleges and Universities After Passing American Rescue Plan appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Bustos Announces Northwest and Central Illinois Will Soon Receive State and Local Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan

Continues Push to Ensure Townships Receive Direct Funding WASHINGTON – Today, after a New Democrat Coalition meeting with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) highlights the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds that the U.S. Department of Treasury is releasing to Northwest and Central as part of the American Rescue Plan. The $399,450,000 […] The post Bustos Announces Northwest and Central Illinois Will Soon Receive State and Local Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

PHOTOS: Bustos Tours Local Head Start Classroom to Highlight How American Rescue Plan Gets Parents Back to Work, Cuts Child Poverty in Illinois

143,000 Children in Northwest and Central Illinois Benefit from Expanded and Improved Child Tax Credit in American Rescue Plan WASHINGTON – Today, after touring a local Head Start classroom in Kewanee, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) announced how the benefits of the expanded and improved Child Tax Credit (CTC) impact Illinois’ 17th Congressional District. The data […] The post PHOTOS: Bustos Tours Local Head Start Classroom to Highlight How American Rescue Plan Gets Parents Back to Work, Cuts Child Poverty in Illinois appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

What Does Approval of the Pfizer Vaccine for Teens and Preteens Mean for My Child?

The federal government has extended the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to preteens and young adolescents, adding nearly 17 million more Americans to the pool of those eligible to be immunized against covid-19.

Listen: Pandemics, Patents and Profits

KHN's Julie Rovner joins The Atlantic's “Social Distance” podcast, hosted by Dr. James Hamblin and Maeve Higgins, to talk about President Joe Biden's support for an initiative to waive patent protection for covid vaccines and the politics of drug policy in the United States.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Drug Price Effort Hits a Snag

Democratic leaders in Congress have vowed to pass legislation to address high prescription drug prices this year, but some moderates in their own party appear to be balking. Meanwhile, younger teens are now eligible for a covid-19 vaccine and the Biden administration reinstated anti-discrimination policy for LGBTQ people in health care. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet and Rachel Cohrs of Stat join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.

Latinos Are the Most Eager to Get Vaccinated, Survey Shows — But Face Obstacles

A new survey shows that unvaccinated Hispanics are almost twice as likely as unvaccinated Blacks or whites to want a covid vaccination. But many still face a variety of access problems, ranging from fear to time squeeze.

Behind the Byline: The Quest to Bring Spanish Language to KHN

Check out KHN’s video series — Behind The Byline: How the Story Got Made. Come along as journalists and producers offer an insider’s view of health care coverage that does not quit.

You’ve Added Your Kids to Your Health Plan. What About Mom?

A bill in the California legislature would require state-regulated health plans to cover policyholders’ dependent parents. Advocates say the measure would reduce the number of uninsured people, while business groups warn of premium increases.

Another Pandemic ‘To Do’ on the List for Schools: Contact Tracing

Struggling to keep up with a covid-19 surge in Michigan, overwhelmed health departments relied on an unlikely new crew of contact tracers: school principals.

Don’t Eat the Yellowstone Snow: Elite Ski Resort Aims to Turn Sewage Into Powder

An exclusive Montana ski resort frequented by the likes of Bill Gates and Justin Timberlake says it can safely turn wastewater into snow to the benefit of skiers and the local watershed.

The Making of Reluctant Activists: A Police Shooting in a Hospital Forces One Family to Rethink American Justice

In 2015, Houston police officers stepped into Alan Pean’s hospital room, closed the door and shot him through the chest. Nearly six years later, his survival has brought the Pean family a wrenching legacy and conflicted sense of purpose.

How Schools Can Help Kids Heal After the Pandemic’s Uncertainty

The pandemic has been stressful for millions of children. Schools are trying to meet children's emotional needs in big and small ways as in-person classes resume.

‘I Just Feel Like Myself’: A Nonbinary Child In Their Own Words

When they were 6, Hallel told their parents they are a boy-girl. At 9, they are helping their parents, grandparents and friends understand what it means to be nonbinary.

5 Things to Know About Health Care Changes in Montana

The covid pandemic drove major changes to Montana health policies, including the permanent expansion of telehealth regulations, a pullback on local public health officials’ authority and the easing of vaccination requirements for workers and students.

This Small Canadian Drugmaker Wants to Make J&J Vaccines for Poor Nations. It Needs More Than a Patent Waiver.

All agree that covid vaccines are urgently needed to stop the pandemic, but simply waiving patents fails to provide technological know-how and address supply chain challenges.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Sharing Vaccines With the World

The Biden administration is bucking the drug industry and backing a waiver of covid-19 vaccine patent protections to help the rest of the world vaccinate its populations. Here at home, the Food and Drug Administration wants to ban menthol flavorings for cigarettes, setting off a fight with the tobacco industry. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Tami Luhby of CNN and Kimberly Leonard of Business Insider join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Telemedicine Is a Tool — Not a Replacement for Your Doctor’s Touch

The pandemic has demonstrated that virtual medicine is great for simple visits. But many new types of telemedicine promoted by start-ups more clearly benefit providers’ and investors’ pockets, rather than yielding more convenient, high-quality and cost-effective medicine for patients.

For Kurdish Americans in Nashville, a Beloved Leader’s Death Prompts Vaccine Push

Some immigrant groups are closing the ethnic gap on COVID-19 shots. For many Kurdish Americans, their fears about vaccination are entangled with their experiences in refugee camps after fleeing Iraq.