
Showing posts from August, 2021

Telehealth’s Limits: Battle Over State Lines and Licensing Threatens Patients’ Options

Televisits took off during the worst days of the pandemic, but states are now rolling back the temporary rules that facilitated them. That’s adding fuel to debates about states’ authority over medical licensing.

Delta Cutting ‘Like a Buzzsaw’ Through Oregon-California Border Counties

Zoom in on states with overall good vaccination rates and you see a checkerboard effect, with rural areas far lagging urban zones. That’s allowed the pandemic to rage in places like Jackson County, Oregon, overwhelming hospitals.

Concert Venues Are Banking on Proof of Vaccines or Negative Tests to Woo Back Fans

Two days before hosting an outdoor Wilco concert, the St. Louis Music Park announced it would require proof of vaccination or a negative covid test for all ticket holders, sending some attendees scrambling and upending plans. Concertgoers, promoters and venues nationwide are all having to pivot quickly to find safer ways of enjoying live music amid the pandemic’s delta surge.

‘My Time to Live’: Through Novel Program, Kidney Patients Get Palliative Care, Dialysis ’Til the End

Seattle’s Northwest Kidney Centers, which pioneered kidney failure treatment 50 years ago, now pairs dying patients with hospice services, without forcing them to forgo the comfort dialysis can provide.

Jaw Surgery Takes a $27,119 Bite out of One Man’s Budget

A Seattle patient discovers the hard way that you can still hit a lifetime limit for certain types of care. And health plans can vary a lot from one job to the next, even if the insurer is the same.

Democrats Say Abortion Is on the Line in Recall Election. But Rolling Back Rights Wouldn’t Be Easy.

Reproductive rights groups and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom argue that Californians’ access to abortion would be threatened if he is recalled. But a replacement governor’s power to restrict access to the procedure would be limited.

States Pull Back on Covid Data Even Amid Delta Surge

As covid case numbers rise nationwide, Georgia and some other states have restricted the case count data they share publicly.

Medicaid Vaccination Rates Founder as States Struggle to Immunize Their Poorest Residents

Efforts by states and the private health plans that many states pay to cover low-income Americans has been scattershot and hampered by a lack of data.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Vaccine Approval Moves the Needle on Covid

The FDA’s formal approval of the first vaccine to prevent covid-19 may or may not prompt doubters to go out and get shots, but it has clearly prompted employers to make vaccination a work requirement. Meanwhile, moderates and liberals in the U.S. House put aside their differences long enough to keep a giant social-spending bill on track, at least for now. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Tami Luhby of CNN and Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, for “extra credit,” the panelists suggest their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Apple, Bose and Others Pump Up the Volume on Hearing Aid Options, Filling Void Left by FDA

A 2017 law designed to help lower the cost of hearing aids mandated that federal officials set rules for a new class of devices consumers could buy without needing to see an audiologist. But those regulations are still on hold.

What Missouri Learned the Hard Way About Rapid Covid Testing in Schools

Missouri’s ambitious school testing plan landed with a thud. What it can teach us now about keeping the delta variant out of classrooms.

New Montana Law Sows Confusion, Defiance Over School Quarantines

Some counties are changing their covid quarantine policies in line with a law that bans discrimination based on a person’s vaccine status. But one county has decided to defy the rule.

Microbiome Startups Promise to Improve Your Gut Health, but Is the Science Solid?

A raft of startups are charging consumers hundreds of dollars to analyze the microbes in their gut and offer dietary advice based on the results. But scientists say scant research has been done, and as customers of one company have learned the hard way, the experience isn’t always smooth.

Hot Spots Where Covid Vaccination Lags Push Experimental Antibody Treatment

Governors in Southern states, amid a surge of delta-variant infections, are rushing to provide an experimental antibody cocktail therapy, even as they oppose measures like mask mandates and vaccine passports that health officials say can prevent infection in the first place.

Mission and Money Clash in Nonprofit Hospitals’ Venture Capital Ambitions

Nonprofit hospitals of all sizes have been trying their luck as venture capitalists, saying their investments improve care through the creation of new medical devices, health software and other innovations. But the gamble at times has been harder to pull off than expected.

Headed Away to School? Here’s What Students With Health Issues Need to Know

College and grad students with chronic health conditions as common as asthma and diabetes may need to clear hurdles to make sure their health needs are covered by insurance if they go to school far from home.

‘An Arm and a Leg’: Meet the Mississippi Lawyer Who Helped Start the Fight for Charity Care

The man famous for taking on Big Tobacco in the '90s, and winning, launched a series of ill-fated national lawsuits against nonprofit hospitals. This episode is the first in a series looking at the origins of charity care.

Pandemic Unveils Growing Suicide Crisis for Communities of Color

Suicides have risen among Black, Hispanic and other communities of color during covid. But the rates were already escalating before the pandemic struck.

As Temperatures Rise, So Do the Health Risks for California’s Farmworkers

Workers who harvest crops ranging from grapes to cauliflower in the Coachella Valley are accustomed to temperatures well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This summer the thermometer has already hit 122, and heatstroke is becoming more common.

Readers and Tweeters Ponder Vaccines and Points of Fairness

Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Booster Time

As the delta variant continues to spread around the U.S., the Biden administration is taking steps to authorize covid vaccine boosters, require nursing home workers to be vaccinated and protect school officials who want to require masks despite state laws banning those mandates. Meanwhile, the U.S. House is returning from its summer break early to start work on its giant budget bill, which includes a long list of health policy changes. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Kimberly Leonard of Business Insider join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.


Bustos on the Child Tax Credit: “There’s not a Congressional District out of all 435 where you didn’t have families that benefited… As Democrats, we made that happen.” Bustos on Ending Forced Arbitration: “We don’t want sexual harassers to be able to hide in the shadows any longer.” WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) […] The post BUSTOS ON VELSHI: HUMAN INFRASTRUCTURE IS ALSO A JOBS PLAN appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

To Stoke Rural Vaccination Rates, Trusted Farmers Are Asked to Spread Word

Rural health experts are calling on trusted agricultural leaders — like farmers and ranchers — to use their understanding of science and nudge vaccine-hesitant neighbors to roll up their sleeves for a covid shot. But some farmers say they doubt they can change anyone’s mind.

Covid Politics and Fatigue Work Against Contact-Tracing Foot Soldiers

Local health officials find themselves once again behind the covid curve as the delta variant drives their case counts. With resources already stretched, along with the politicization of covid-19, county and state health departments in places like Missouri and Texas are making tough calls on whom to trace.

If the Unvaccinated Want to Work, They Face a Series of Hurdles

As employers create safety protocols for workers who refuse vaccination, we ask experts if they really work. Or is the point to pressure employees into getting a shot?


Tax Cut Put $18.6 Billion into Local Economies, Supporting Businesses and Jobs New Census Data Shows Food Insufficiency and Financial Hardship Dropped After First Child Tax Credit Checks Arrived WASHINGTON — Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) released a new study today showing the Child Tax Credit pumped $18.6 billion into local economies nationwide in July. In Illinois, this tax cut […] The post BUSTOS RELEASES NEW STUDY SHOWING CHILD TAX CREDIT PUMPED NEARLY $684 MILLION INTO ILLINOIS ECONOMY IN JULY appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

After Push from Bustos, FEMA Awards More Than $3.3 Million in Funding for Freeport

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) announced $3,395,568.25 in federal funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help the city of Freeport recover from and prepare for disasters like flooding. The announcement comes after Congresswoman Bustos submitted a letter of support in favor of the project, appealed to the Acting FEMA Administrator […] The post After Push from Bustos, FEMA Awards More Than $3.3 Million in Funding for Freeport appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

ICYMI: Bustos Featured on Axios’ Vitals “Check-Up”

WATCH: Bustos Discusses Her Social Determinants Accelerator Act and Social Determinants of Health Caucus WASHINGTON – In case you missed it, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) recently joined Axios’ Vitals “Check-Up” for a conversation on the social determinants of health – the day-to-day factors that impact health – with reporter Caitlin Owens, where Bustos discussed her […] The post ICYMI: Bustos Featured on Axios’ Vitals “Check-Up” appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

After Bustos Leads Call to Reimburse National Guard for January 6th Response Efforts, House Swiftly Passes Emergency Funding Bill

National Guard budget shortfall would have severely hindered military readiness, canceled trainings, negatively impacted Citizen Soldiers and Airmen WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) applauded the House of Representatives’ swift passage of the Emergency Security Supplemental to Respond to January 6th Appropriations Act, which would reimburse the National Guard and Capitol Police for costs […] The post After Bustos Leads Call to Reimburse National Guard for January 6th Response Efforts, House Swiftly Passes Emergency Funding Bill appeared first on Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Have Vaccines, Will Travel: On the Road With a Covid Entrepreneur

While many businesses scaled back at the height of the pandemic, one Montana man used covid-19 to open his own mobile pharmacy. He’s now bringing covid shots to Montana’s vaccine deserts while filling his wallet. But he cannot fill all the vaccination gaps.

‘Tainted’ Blood: Covid Skeptics Request Blood Transfusions From Unvaccinated Donors

In another twist on covid vaccine hesitancy, blood centers say they are starting to hear from transfusion patients demanding blood from unvaccinated donors. Experts say the option is neither practical nor medically justifiable.

In Rural America, Twisting Arms to Take a Covid Vaccine First Takes Trust

In communities across the country, the Cooperative Extension System, the same organization that supports 4-H clubs nationally, is tapping its roots in rural communities to promote vaccines. But its approach to getting people vaccinated in many communities, including Cairo, Illinois, must be nuanced.

The Newest Disease Detection Tool for Covid and Beyond: Poop

Hundreds of college campuses, cities and counties around California and the U.S. are exploring sewers for the newest data stream to track covid and other infectious diseases.

‘I Don’t Want to Risk My Life for a Paycheck’: Immunosuppressed People Grapple With Returning to Work

Millions of Americans with weakened immune systems are weighing a return to workplaces as the delta variant of covid surges and while awaiting guidance about additional vaccine shots.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: The Senate Acts

The U.S. Senate worked well into its scheduled August recess to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill and a budget blueprint that outlines a much larger bill — covering key health priorities — to be written this fall. Meanwhile, the latest surge of covid is making both employers and schools rethink their opening plans. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call and Yasmeen Abutaleb of The Washington Post join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also, for “extra credit,” the panelists suggest their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

National Academies’ Report Took Pharma-Friendly Stance After Millions in Gifts From Drugmakers

Congress tapped a national academies committee to examine a drug cost issue. It got a report that includes “egregious” failures to disclose conflicts of interest.

Apple Aims to Push More Patient Data to Doctors. But Who Can Gauge Its Impact on Health?

The Silicon Valley giant has been cryptic about its plan for the growing mound of health data available through its iPhones and watches. Health systems have experimented with the company’s health app, but it hasn’t yet become central to treatment.

Reading, ’Rithmetic and Resisting Covid: The New 3 R’s as Kids Head Back to School

Children under 12 can’t get a vaccine, so parents are concerned about how to keep them safe as classes resume — especially as the delta variant spreads.

Getting a Covid Vaccine During Pregnancy Even More Urgent as ICU Beds Fill Up

The CDC recommends that pregnant people be vaccinated against covid-19, based on new safety and effectiveness evidence on the covid vaccines.

Public Favors Masks in Classrooms but Balks at Mandating Vaccinations for Students

With schools reopening, poll finds two-thirds of parents support mandating masks for unvaccinated students, but resistance to vaccinating students remains high. “My child is not a test dummy,” one Black parent told pollsters. Some parents deferred the decision to their teens.

Why Doesn’t Medicare Cover Services So Many Seniors Need?

When the program began half a century ago, backers believed the benefits would expand over time, but politics and concerns about money have stymied most efforts. Now congressional Democrats are looking to add vision, dental and hearing care.

DeSantis’ Executive Order Is Misleading About Lack of Scientific Support for Masking in Schools

The Florida governor’s order said schools couldn’t mandate that students wear masks and that the state could deny funding to school districts that didn’t comply.

Surgeons Cash In on Stakes in Private Medical Device Companies

Doctors tied to professional sports teams share in investment bonanza.

A Quarter of US Hospitals, and Counting, Demand Workers Get Vaccinated. But Not Here.

Amid a surge in covid-19 cases driven by the highly contagious delta variant, nearly 1,500 health systems across the nation are requiring their employees to get vaccinated. In Montana and Oregon, that’s not an option.

‘The Vaccination Queen’: Nurse Practitioner Takes Covid Shots House to House in Puerto Rico

Abigail Matos-Pagán, a critical care expert who has galvanized relief efforts after hurricanes and earthquakes, is on a mission to inoculate as many Puerto Rican residents as possible.

Injuries Mount as Sales Reps for Device Makers Cozy Up to Surgeons, Even in Operating Rooms

Aggressive sales tactics have allegedly led surgeons to use defective or wrong-size implants, screws or other products on patients, including former Olympian Mary Lou Retton.

A California Bill Would Limit Protests at Vaccination Sites. Does It Violate the First Amendment?

A proposal breezing through the state legislature would make it illegal to obstruct someone from getting a covid-19 shot, or any other vaccine, but some free speech experts say it goes too far.

Déjà Vu? Consumers Scramble for Covid Tests in Hard-Hit Areas

As the nation confronts the delta variant, many consumers are again facing delays getting tested. The problem appears most acute in the South and Midwest, where new infections are growing the fastest.

Clarity on Covid Count: Pandemic’s Toll on Seniors Extended Well Beyond Nursing Homes

The latest research shows that although deaths in nursing homes received enormous attention, far more older adults who perished from covid lived outside of institutions. People with dementia and other severe neurological conditions, chronic kidney disease and immune deficiencies were hit especially hard.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Delta Blues

Covid is back with a vengeance, with some people clamoring for booster shots while others harden their resistance to getting vaccinated at all. Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration is pushing hard on drugmaker Pfizer’s request to upgrade the emergency authorization for its vaccine and give it final approval. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Rachel Cohrs of Stat and Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also, for “extra credit,” the panelists suggest their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Providence-KP Team Up to Attract Patients in California’s Growing High Desert Region

Providence, the country’s 10th-biggest hospital chain, says it’s too expensive to upgrade an older hospital, so it will join forces with giant Kaiser Permanente to build a new one.

Feds to Nix Work Requirements in Montana Medicaid Expansion Program

State health officials say the federal government will likely reject any work or community engagement requirements, which were key to Republican lawmakers agreeing to extend the program that insures 100,000 low-income Montana adults.