
Showing posts from September, 2023

She Received Chemo in Two States. Why Did It Cost So Much More in Alaska?

A breast cancer patient who received similar treatments in two states saw significant differences in cost, illuminating how care in remote areas can come with a stiffer price tag.

Social Security Overpayments Draw Scrutiny and Outrage From Members of Congress

Lawmakers are faulting the Social Security Administration for issuing billions of dollars of payments that beneficiaries weren’t entitled to receive — and then demanding the money back — in the wake of an investigation by KFF Health News and Cox Media Group.

GOP Presidential Primary Debate No. 2: An Angry Rematch and the Same Notable No-Show

Though never framed as marquee issues, health care topics crept into the chaotic seven-way faceoff throughout the evening, highlighting Republican culture-war themes.

Readers Rail at Social Security Overpayments and Insurers’ Prior Authorizations

KFF Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.

Who Polices Hospitals Merging Across Markets? States Give Different Answers

Increasingly, hospitals are merging across separate markets within states. It’s a move that health economists and the Federal Trade Commission have been closely watching, as evidence shows such mergers raise prices for patients with no improvement in care.

KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': More Medicaid Messiness

At least 30 states are reinstating coverage for children wrongly removed from the rolls under Medicaid redetermination, the federal government reported. It’s just the latest hiccup in the massive effort to review the eligibility of Medicaid beneficiaries now that the program’s pandemic-era expansion has expired. And federal oversight of the so-called unwinding would be further complicated by an impending government shutdown. Rachel Roubein of The Washington Post, Sandhya Raman of CQ Roll Call, and Sarah Karlin-Smith of Pink Sheet join KFF Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also this week, Rovner interviews KFF Health News’ Samantha Liss, who reported and wrote the latest KFF Health News-NPR “Bill of the Month” feature, about a hospital bill that followed a deceased patient’s family for more than a year.

As Covid Infections Rise, Nursing Homes Are Still Waiting for Vaccines

“People want covid-19 to be in the rearview mirror,” one nursing home official says. Faced with a slow rollout of the updated covid vaccines, and without state mandates for workers to get vaccinated, most skilled nursing facilities are relying on persuasion to boost vaccination rates among staff and residents.

What Happens to Health Programs if the Federal Government Shuts Down?

Medicare and Medicaid shouldn’t be affected, but confusion can be expected.

A Decades-Long Drop in Teen Births Is Slowing, and Advocates Worry a Reversal Is Coming

After three decades of declines in teen pregnancies, data shows the rates are starting to plateau. The reversal of "Roe v. Wade," coupled with efforts to suspend sex education in schools and higher rates of youth mental health issues post-pandemic, could culminate in a perfect storm.

Epidemic: The Tata Way

Episode 5 of the “Eradicating Smallpox” podcast explores how a partnership between public health institutions and a huge, influential private company was key in the campaign to eliminate smallpox.

Massive Kaiser Permanente Strike Looms as Talks Head to the Wire

Both sides, still at loggerheads over pay and staffing, agreed to keep bargaining after unions announced a possible strike Oct. 4-7. If no deal is reached, a walkout by about 75,000 KP workers in five states could disrupt care.

Officials Agree: Use Settlement Funds to Curb Youth Addiction. But the ‘How’ Gets Hairy.

Parents, educators, and elected officials agree that investing in school-based prevention efforts could help curb the rising rate of youth drug overdoses. The well-known D.A.R.E. program is one likely choice, but its effectiveness is in question.

When You Think About Your Health, Don’t Forget Your Eyes

Americans think losing their eyesight would be one of the worst possible health outcomes, yet millions lack a fundamental understanding of eye health.

Biden Administration to Ban Medical Debt From Americans’ Credit Scores

The White House said the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will develop new regulations that would prevent unpaid medical bills from being counted on credit reports.

KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': Countdown to Shutdown

Congress appears to be careening toward a government shutdown, as a small band of House conservatives vow to block any funding for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 unless they win deeper cuts to health and other domestic programs. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump continues to roil the GOP presidential primary field, this time with comments about abortion. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Rachel Cohrs of Stat, and Tami Luhby of CNN join KFF Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also, for “extra credit,” the panelists suggest health policy stories they read this week they think you should read, too.

As Younger Children Increasingly Die by Suicide, Better Tracking and Prevention Is Sought

Decades-long systemic shortcomings have left suicide among children ages 5 to 11 poorly tracked and addressed. Now, as rates appear to be rising, advocates are strengthening efforts to screen for problems and prevent deaths in younger children.

California Officials Seek ‘CARE’ Without Coercion as New Mental Health Courts Launch This Fall

In Orange County, California, officials are threading a delicate needle. They want to persuade people with psychosis to accept treatment without coercion as the state’s new CARE Courts roll out in October.

How Will Rural Americans Fare During Medicaid Unwinding? Experts Fear They’re on Their Own

As states review their Medicaid rolls after the expiration of a pandemic-era prohibition against kicking recipients off the government insurance program, experts say the lack of help available to rural Americans in navigating insurance options puts them at greater risk of losing health coverage than people in metropolitan areas.

With Its Two Doctors Planning to Retire, an Alabama Town Patches Together Health Care Options

LaFayette and other rural areas of the country tend to have high rates of health problems but not enough doctors. Many are adapting by investing in nontraditional prevention and treatment options.

Save Billions or Stick With Humira? Drug Brokers Steer Americans to the Costly Choice

Thousands of patients with autoimmune diseases who rely on Humira, with a list price of $6,600 a month, could get financial relief from new low-cost rivals. So far, the pharmacy benefit managers that control drug prices in America have not delivered on those savings.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Injects Presidential Politics Into the Covid Vaccine Debate

Losing ground in the Republican primary, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and his top medical advisers dismissed the recent federal recommendation that almost everyone get an updated covid shot.

Watch: Thinking Big in Public Health, Inspired by the End of Smallpox

A conversation about how the lessons from the victory over smallpox could be applied to public health challenges today.

Legislature Passes Newsom’s Proposal to Retool Mental Health Services Act

The California Legislature greenlighted Gov. Gavin Newsom’s latest plan to build more housing and increase addiction treatment as part of his response to the state’s homelessness and drug crises.

Rural Nursing Home Supporters Fear Proposed Staffing Standards Will Trigger More Closures

The Biden administration says a recently proposed minimum staffing standard would help ensure quality care, but nursing home leaders predict many rural facilities would struggle to meet it.

Social Security Overpays Billions to People, Many on Disability. Then It Asks for the Money Back.

Beneficiaries in five states described what happened when they received demands to return overpayments that reached up to tens of thousands of dollars or more.

A New Covid Booster Is Here. Will Those at Greatest Risk Get It?

The CDC says everyone over 6 months old should get the new covid booster. But the emergency response mechanisms that supported earlier vaccine campaigns are gone. As one expert wonders: How to get boosters to people beyond Democrats, college graduates, and those with high incomes?

KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': Underinsured Is the New Uninsured

The annual U.S. Census Bureau report this week revealed a drop in the uninsured rate last year as more working-age people obtained employer coverage. However, this year’s end of pandemic-era protections — which allowed many people to stay on Medicaid — is likely to have changed that picture quite a bit since. Meanwhile, reports show […]

As More Patients Email Doctors, Health Systems Start Charging Fees

Doctors say billing for email consultations reduces message volume and gives them more free time. The increasingly prevalent practice has also raised fears about negative impacts to patient care.

Abortion Bans Fuel a Rise in High-Risk Patients Heading to Illinois Hospitals

High-risk patients from states that heavily restrict abortion are coming to hospitals in states such as Illinois that protect abortion rights. The journey can mean more medical risks and higher bills.

Why the CDC Has Recommended New Covid Boosters for All

As covid-19 hospitalizations tick upward with fall approaching, the CDC says it’s time for new boosters — and not only for those at highest risk of serious disease. Here are seven things you need to know.

Despite Successes, Addiction Treatment Programs for Families Struggle to Stay Open

Residential addiction treatment programs that allow parents to bring their children along have been recognized for their success. But a mix of logistical challenges and low reimbursement rates mean they struggle to stay afloat.

Watch: In Emergencies, First Comes the Ambulance. Then Comes the Bill.

This installment of InvestigateTV and KFF Health News' “Costly Care” series delves into the lack of cost protections for patients who find themselves on the hook for an emergency ground ambulance ride.

‘Dr. Google’ Meets Its Match: Dr. ChatGPT

With the rise of generative AI, people who once turned to “Dr. Google” to check on medical symptoms are now turning to chatbots. Researchers say the bots are often more accurate, but urge caution in the absence of any regulations.

Montana State Officials Seek More Control Over Judicial Involuntary Commitments

Health department officials are asking legislators to change criminal commitment laws amid a bottleneck at the Montana State Hospital.

A Father Dreamed of a Home for His Family. Medical Debt Nearly Pushed Them Onto the Streets.

As cities like Denver struggle to make homes more affordable, medical debt keeps housing out of reach for millions of Americans.

CDC Faces Dilemma Over Recommending New Covid Booster for All

Chances are, if you aren’t older, chronically ill, or obese, you don’t need a forthcoming covid vaccine to stay out of the hospital. But it probably wouldn’t hurt.

The Shrinking Number of Primary Care Physicians Is Reaching a Tipping Point

The declining share of U.S. doctors in adult primary care is about 25% — a point beyond which many Americans won’t be able to find a family doctor at all.

KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': Welcome Back, Congress. Now Get to Work. 

Congress returns from its summer recess with a long list of tasks and only a few work days to get them done. On top of the annual spending bills needed to keep the government operating, on the list are bills to renew the global HIV/AIDS program, PEPFAR, and the community health centers program. Meanwhile, over the recess, the Biden administration released the names of the first 10 drugs selected for the Medicare price negotiation program.

Most States Have Yet to Permanently Fund 988. Call Centers Want Certainty.

For rural Americans, who live in areas often short of mental health services and die by suicide at a far higher rate than urbanites, the federally mandated crisis phone line is one of the few options to connect with a crisis counselor.

‘Like a Russian Roulette’: US Military Firefighters Grapple With Unknowns of PFAS Exposure

Federal research linking “forever chemicals” to testicular cancer confirms what U.S. military personnel long suspected. But as they seek testing for PFAS exposure, many wonder what to do with the results. There’s no medical treatment yet.

Hollywood’s A-List Health Insurance Is Jeopardized by the Labor Strikes

Hollywood actors and writers who qualify for their union health plans get a very good deal compared with other Americans. But not working during the strike threatens their eligibility in the system.

Even in the Most Depressed County in America, Stigma Around Mental Illness Persists

An estimated 32% of adults in Logan County, West Virginia, have been diagnosed with depression, the highest rate in the United States, according to a recent CDC report.

Cozy Images of Plush Toys and Blankets Counter Messaging on Safe Infant Sleep

Unsafe sleep environments are among the main reasons accidental suffocation or strangulation is a hard-to-solve public health problem.

Mississippi’s Cervical Cancer Deaths Indicate Broader Health Care Problems

Mississippi has among the highest cervical cancer mortality rates in the U.S. When low-income women can't afford regular preventive care, much less gynecological visits, this highly preventable and treatable cancer becomes a killer.

Workers Pay the Price While Congress and Employers Debate Need for Heat Regulations

Studies suggest official numbers vastly underestimate heat-related injuries and illness on the job. To institute protections, the government must calculate their cost — and the cost of inaction.

NPR and KFF Health News Share the Story of Two Health Heroes Who Helped Stop Smallpox

Regina G. Barber from NPR’s “Shortwave” podcast speaks with physician-epidemiologist Céline Gounder about two men who were among the public health heroes who helped wipe out a 3,000-year-old virus, and the lessons that victory offers for the next public health emergency.

Biden Administration Proposes New Standards to Boost Nursing Home Staffing

The proposal would require major hiring at the most sparsely-staffed homes. But the proposal is already badly received by the nursing home industry which claims it can’t boost wages enough to attract workers.

When Temps Rise, So Do Medical Risks. Should Doctors and Nurses Talk More About Heat?

The medical dangers of heat are real. But people often ignore public heat alerts or don't realize how vulnerable they are. A new alert system prompts clinicians to talk about heat with patients.

Activist Misuses Federal Data to Make False Claim That Covid Vaccines Killed 676,000

Anti-vaccine tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, whose wild assertions have been repeatedly debunked, wrongly attributes deaths following vaccination to the vaccines themselves. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which runs the database, calls that inaccurate and irresponsible.