@SafeRoadsNow urges Congress to pass the “Protecting Roadside First Responders Act,” (S 2700 / HR 4871) sponsored by @SenatorDurbin & @RepCheri, which requires new vehicles to be equipped with safety technology to prevent & mitigate needless crashes. #NWZAW #Orange4Safetypic.twitter.com/mRS9bPilSE

Rep. Cheri Bustos - @SafeRoadsNow urges Congress to pass the “Protecting Roadside First Responders Act,” (S 2700 / HR 4871) sponsored by @SenatorDurbin & @RepCheri, which requires new vehicles to be equipped with safety technology to prevent & mitigate needless crashes. #NWZAW #Orange4Safety pic.twitter.com/mRS9bPilSE


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